Published 2016 | Version v1

The Guvano complex landslide in the Cinque Terre National Park, Italy: geomorphological characterization, GNSS monitoring and risk management


The "Guvano landslide" is located along the steep coastal slopes of Cinque Terre between the villages of Vernazza and Corniglia (Eastern Liguria, NW Italy). It is an ancient and complex mass movement that has been affected by several reactivation phenomena in hystorical and recent time. Nowadays the Guvano landslides is partly dormant and partly still active, also due to the sea wave action at the slope toe. In the last century geomorphological processes of remobilisation along different sector of the landslide area caused severe damages to settlements, railway and roads, also involving currently the highly frequented trail network of Cinque Terre National Park. In order to contribute to landslide risk management by the identification of proper mitigation measures, the geomorphological characterization and the recent evolution of Guvano landslide, supported by geotechnical investigations and a GNSS monitoring program, are presented.

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March 27, 2023
November 28, 2023