Published 2000 | Version v1

Synthesis, crystal structure, magnetic and transport properties of the new intermetallic compounds R4Co2Sn5 (R = La, Ce)


The two intermetallic compounds La4Co2Sn5 and Ce4Co2Sn5 have been synthesized. Both crystallize in the new structure type La4Co2Sn5. From single-crystal analysis they revealed monoclinic symmetry, with space group 12/m, Z = 2. The lattice parameters, as obtained from Guinier powder patterns, are a = 11.072(2) angstroms, b = 4.608(1) angstroms, c = 11.375(2) angstroms, β = 100.93(1)° and a = 10.983(2) angstroms, b = 4.561(1) angstroms, c = 11.314(2) angstroms, β = 101.02(1)°, respectively. Resistivity, magnetic and heat capacity measurements show that cerium ions order magnetically with a Neel temperature of 4 K in Ce4Co2Sn5. A ferromagnetic component in the isothermal magnetization is found in both Ce4Co2Sn5 and La4Co2Sn5 even at 300 K, which can be either intrinsic to these compounds or arise from a trace impurity phase.

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March 31, 2023
November 28, 2023