En la introducción de este trabajo realizamos una revisión bibliográfica, en la que hemos querido resaltar las ventajas del trabajo en equipo. La formación de un equipo donde estén integradas el dentista, el higienista bucal, el auxiliar dental y el técnico de laboratorio, conlleva a una visión del trabajo moderno en odontoestomatología. Al...
November 30, 2018 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: March 27, 2023
September 22, 2015 (v1)Publication
NiTi spring coils were used to obtain large deformation under a constant force. The device consists on a NiTi coil spring, superelastic at body temperature, in order to have a stress plateau during the austenitic retransformation during the unloading. The temperature variations induced changes in the spring force. Objectives: The aim of this...
Uploaded on: March 27, 2023 -
March 7, 2017 (v1)Publication
Tratamos de desarrollar una herramienta docente de evaluación, que resulte útil para valorar como evoluciona la retención de los contenidos de nuestra asignatura en los alumnos así como la influencia que en esa memoria van teniendo las distintas innovaciones metodológicas que vamos introduciendo en nuestra docencia. Se diseñó un modelo de...
Uploaded on: December 5, 2022 -
March 9, 2017 (v1)Publication
Para promover un aprendizaje distributivo por parte de los alumnos de la asignatura de Materiales Odontológicos de la Licenciatura de Odontología de la Universidad de Sevilla, pasamos a nuestros alumnos un cuestionario previo y posterior a los seminarios. Tras el análisis de los datos se obtuvieron los siguientess resultados: -Mayor...
Uploaded on: December 5, 2022 -
December 17, 2020 (v1)Publication
Nanomaterials are commonly considered as those materials in which the shape and molecular composition at a nanometer scale can be controlled. Subsequently, they present extraordinary properties that are being useful for the development of new and improved applications in many fields, including medicine. In dentistry, several research efforts...
Uploaded on: March 27, 2023 -
January 18, 2016 (v1)Publication
NiTi spring coils were used to obtain large deformation under a constant force. The device consists on a NiTi coil spring, superelastic at body temperature, in order to have a stress plateau during the austenitic retransformation during the unloading. The temperature variations induced changes in the spring force. Objectives: The aim of this...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
June 28, 2017 (v1)Publication
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of soft drinks on the surface of Ni-Ti archwires and their corrosion behavior. Archwires with different patterns (smooth, scratch, dimple, and crack) were selected and characterized by scanning electron microscopy and laser confocal microscopy. Immersion tests were performed in artificial...
Uploaded on: March 25, 2023