Long, flexible fibers transported by a turbulent channel flow sample non-linear variations of the fluid velocity along their length. As the fibers tumble and collide with the boundaries, they bounce off with an impulse that propels them toward the center of the flow, similar to pole vaulting. As a result, the fibers migrate away from the walls,...
November 20, 2023 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: November 25, 2023
August 2018 (v1)Journal article
The dynamics of elongated inertial particles in an extensional flow is studied numerically by performing simulations of freely jointed bead-rod chains. The coil-stretch transition and the tumbling instability are characterized as a function of three parameters: The Peclet number, the Stokes number and the chain length. Numerical results show...
Uploaded on: December 3, 2022 -
December 11, 2017 (v1)Report
No description
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
October 2018 (v1)Journal article
Small flexible fibers in a turbulent flow are found to be most of the time as straight as stiff rods. This is due to the cooperative action of flexural rigidity and fluid stretching. However, fibers might bend and buckle when they tumble and experience a strong-enough local compressive shear. Such events are similar to an activation process,...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022