This study aims at providing the radiologist and the surgeon with a diagnostic and planning tool. To this end multimodal (T-1, T-2 and PD-weighted) sets of MR images representing a human head and a human knee with and without neoplastic formations were acquired. All the software was developed in C++ language using Open Graphics Library (OpenGL)...
2001 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: May 12, 2023
1996 (v1)Publication
CLSM (Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy) an SFM (Scanning Force Microscopy) can be considered in use as high-powered biophysical tools for investigating the very delicate and complex way in which structure and function are related in biological systems. Organizational motifs underlying the structure of important biostructures can be imaged in...
Uploaded on: May 13, 2023