We present a concept for the payload SAGACE, the Spectroscopic Active Galaxies And Cluster Explorer, devoted to study the evolution of Universe structures using different observables, all of them in the rmn/submm wavelength. The SAGACE payload is made of a passively cooled 3m telescope, a cryogenic Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) and...
2009 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: April 14, 2023
August 2016 (v1)Journal article
Aims. Within a cluster, gravitational effects can lead to the removal of stars from their parent galaxies and their subsequent dispersal into the intracluster medium. Gas hydrodynamical effects can additionally strip gas and dust from galaxies; both gas and stars contribute to intracluster light (ICL). The properties of the ICL can therefore...
Uploaded on: December 3, 2022 -
2018 (v1)Journal article
Context. Galaxy clusters trace the highest density peaks in the large-scale structure of the Universe. Their clustering provides a powerful probe that can be exploited in combination with cluster mass measurements to strengthen the cosmological constraints provided by cluster number counts.Aims. We investigate the spatial properties of a...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
December 2018 (v1)Journal article
Aims. We show how the XXL multiwavelength survey can be used to shed light on radio galaxies and their environment. Methods. Two prominent radio galaxies were identified in a visual examination of the mosaic of XXL-North obtained with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope at 610 MHz. Counterparts were searched for in other bands. Spectroscopic...
Uploaded on: December 3, 2022 -
December 2018 (v1)Journal article
Aims. We show how the XXL multiwavelength survey can be used to shed light on radio galaxies and their environment. Methods. Two prominent radio galaxies were identified in a visual examination of the mosaic of XXL-North obtained with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope at 610 MHz. Counterparts were searched for in other bands. Spectroscopic...
Uploaded on: February 22, 2023 -
2018 (v1)Journal article
Context. We present an estimation of cosmological parameters with clusters of galaxies.Aims. We constrain the Ωm, σ8, and w parameters from a stand-alone sample of X-ray clusters detected in the 50 deg2 XMM-XXL survey with a well-defined selection function.Methods. We analyse the redshift distribution of a sample comprising 178 high...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
2018 (v1)Journal article
Context. An X-ray survey with the XMM-Newton telescope, XMM-XXL, has identified hundreds of galaxy groups and clusters in two 25 deg2 fields. Combining spectroscopic and X-ray observations in one field, we determine how the kinetic energy of galaxies scales with hot gas temperature and also, by imposing prior constraints on the relative...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
December 2018 (v1)Journal article
Context. Superclusters form from the largest enhancements in the primordial density perturbation field and extend for tens of Mpc, tracing the large-scale structure of the Universe. X-ray detections and systematic characterisations of superclusters and the properties of their galaxies have only been possible in the last few years. Aims. We...
Uploaded on: February 22, 2023 -
December 2018 (v1)Journal article
Context. Superclusters form from the largest enhancements in the primordial density perturbation field and extend for tens of Mpc, tracing the large-scale structure of the Universe. X-ray detections and systematic characterisations of superclusters and the properties of their galaxies have only been possible in the last few years. Aims. We...
Uploaded on: December 3, 2022 -
2018 (v1)Journal article
Context. In the currently debated context of using clusters of galaxies as cosmological probes, the need for well-defined cluster samples is critical.Aims. The XXL Survey has been specifically designed to provide a well characterised sample of some 500 X-ray detected clusters suitable for cosmological studies. The main goal of present article...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
August 2016 (v1)Journal article
Context. The XXL Survey is the largest survey carried out by the XMM-Newton satellite and covers a total area of 50 square degrees distributed over two fields. It primarily aims at investigating the large-scale structures of the Universe using the distribution of galaxy clusters and active galactic nuclei as tracers of the matter distribution....
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022