It has been shown recently that the perovskite oxide SrVO3 is a transparent conductor with optical and electrical properties outreaching those of the most used material indium tin oxide (ITO). These properties, observed in the crystalline phase, imply the strong potential of SrVO3 for use as a lower cost alternative to ITO, but the possible...
June 13, 2023 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: June 15, 2023
June 16, 2023 (v1)Publication
Considering it is somewhat difficult to crystallize thermochromic nickelates through a soft process, a major challenge in NdNiO3 crystallization is the stabilization of the Ni3+ oxidation state against Ni2+. The aim of the present work was to understand why a soft annealing is sufficient while an oxygen high pressure (200 bar) is usually...
Uploaded on: June 17, 2023