Brane Calculi are a family of biologically inspired process calculi, proposed in [6] to model the interactions of dynamically nested membranes. We propose a semantics that describes the causal dependencies occurring between the reactions of a system described in Brane Calculi. We investigate the basic properties that are satisfied by such a...
March 15, 2016 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: March 27, 2023
March 8, 2016 (v1)Publication
P systems are a biologically inspired model introduced by Gheorghe P¸aun with the aim of representing the structure and the functioning of the cell. Since their introduction, several variants of P systems have been proposed and explored. We concentrate on the class of catalytic P systems without priorities associated to the rules. We show that...
Uploaded on: March 27, 2023 -
March 8, 2016 (v1)Publication
The aim of this paper is to start an investigation and a comparison of the expressiveness of the two most relevant formalisms inspired by membranes interactions, namely, P systems and Brane Calculi. We compare the two formalisms w.r.t. their ability to act as language generators. In particular, we show different ways of generating the set L =...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
April 10, 2018 (v1)Publication
Membrane Computing and Brane Calculi are two recent computational paradigms in the framework of Natural Computing. They are based on the study of the structure and functioning of living cells as living organisms able to process and generate information. In this paper we give a short introduction to both areas and point out some open research lines.
Uploaded on: December 2, 2022 -
March 21, 2018 (v1)Publication
The aim of this paper is to start an investigation and a comparison of the expressiveness of the two most relevant formalisms inspired by membranes interactions, namely, P systems and Brane Calculi. We compare the two formalisms with respect to their ability to act as generator devices. In particular, we show different ways of generating the...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
March 7, 2016 (v1)Publication
We prove that P systems with mate and drip operations and using at most five membranes during any step of a computation are universal. This improves a recent similar result from, where eleven membranes are used. The proof of this result has the "drawback" that the output of a computation is obtained on an inner membrane of the system. A...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
December 27, 2017 (v1)Publication
In this paper, we describe a new representation for deterministic rational-valued P systems that allows us to form a bridge between membrane computing and linear algebra. On the one hand, we prove that an efficient computation for these P systems can be described using linear algebra techniques. In particular, we show that the computation for...
Uploaded on: December 5, 2022