The Palaeoproterozoic Bled M'Dena ring complex (BRC) dated at 2.01 Ga (Rb–Sr isochron) situated in the eastern part of the Yetti–Eglab junction-zone, belongs to the Aftout orogenic province, intruding the Aftout granite (2.07 Ga). It exhibits a centripetal evolution from gabbro to granodiorite. The western part of the Bled M'Dena ring complex...
April 2015 (v1)Journal articleUploaded on: December 4, 2022
January 2020 (v1)Journal article
This study is the first synthesis of chemical composition and stable isotopes values for the Kerguelen archipelago waters. The stable isotope values for rainfall and river waters in the Kerguelen archipelago allow a calculation of the Local Meteoric Water Line (δD rainfall = 8.43 x δ18O rainfall + 11) and a summer runoff line (δD river...
Uploaded on: December 3, 2022 -
November 2019 (v1)Journal article
The Bou Jaber ore deposit is one of the numerous diapir-related Pb–Zn–F–Ba deposits of the Dome Zone in Northern Tunisia. Its location is controlled by the regional NE-SW Tajerouine Fault.Ore minerals are hosted in the Late Aptian limestones (Serdj Formation) as open space filling and stratabound replacement bodies. According to Bouhlel et al....
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022