We describe the design principles and implementation of a tool to be used as Resource Manager on arbitrary networks of workstations. It evaluates both statically (offline) and dynamically (on-line) the computational power and workload of each node in the network, in order to select the most performant computers after each application request...
1999 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: December 5, 2022
2000 (v1)Publication
This paper describes a system for real-time field support to archaeological excavations, and for interaction with remote researchers, via the Internet. To this aim, a prototype system has already been field tested at the site of Poliochni in Greece. The system is composed of a wireless LAN, including one (two or more in the future) mobile unit...
Uploaded on: December 5, 2022 -
1999 (v1)Publication
RAMSES (Remote Archeological Mobile Support Enhanced System) is an outdoor application of mobile computing to field archaeology, whose prototype has already been field tested in Summer 1998 at the site of Poliochni in Greece. The requirements for both hardware and software are illustrated; the system is composed by a fixed station, acting as...
Uploaded on: December 5, 2022 -
1998 (v1)Publication
No description
Uploaded on: December 5, 2022 -
2003 (v1)Publication
We describe a browser which has been designed in order to allow severely disabled children to interact and express their "emotions" by means of art images and sequences of images. The browser is to be used under the supervision of art therapists.
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2006 (v1)Publication
La collaborazione tra DARFICLET e DISI è ormai giunta al decimo anno, anzi conta anche qualche mese in più, se ne fissiamo l'origine a quando alcuni informatici ed alcuni archeologi genovesi per la prima volta iniziarono a discutere insieme, alla ricerca di nuove idee, stimolanti per la ricerca in entrambi i settori.
Uploaded on: March 31, 2023 -
2000 (v1)Publication
The paper is motivated by efficiency considerations about porting mathematical software from Massively Parallel Processors (MPPs) to Networks of Workstations (NOWs). Heterogeneity of the network is the major obstacle to efficient porting: it can be overcome with a specialized system, Programming envIronment for Network of COmputers (PINCO),...
Uploaded on: December 5, 2022 -
2003 (v1)Publication
Descriviamo uno strumento progettato per consentire l'interazione e l'espressione di emozioni anche a giovani affetti da disabilità gravi. L'espressione delle emozioni avviene attraverso la selezione d'immagini artistiche e la loro composizione in sequenze, con l'aiuto di un apposito browser a scansione. Il browser, progettato per l'uso con la...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2001 (v1)Publication
The paper presents an innovative technology, wireless communication, as it has been applied to archaeology in two different projects, respectively named RAMSES and PAST. The usual place for exploiting information technology is within buildings, offices or homes, and the possibility of accessing information anywhere, including open-air areas,...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2000 (v1)Publication
The research here described concerns a three years project financed by C.N.R. The main stimulus for this project came out from the necessity to manage the quantity of data obtained from archaeological excavations. This requires the development of a more "efficient" system then the traditional transfer of numerous archives from a location to...
Uploaded on: December 5, 2022 -
1997 (v1)Publication
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Uploaded on: March 31, 2023 -
1995 (v1)Publication
Reflective systems can be used to ease the implementation of fault tolerance mechanisms in distributed applications as show in [Anc95, Fab94]. In this paper we introduce a new model for reflective computations, and we show how it can be used for building up fault tolerant applications. Keyword: Object-Orientation, Reflection and Fault...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
1998 (v1)Publication
The paper presents a new reflective model, called Channel Reification, which can be used in distributed computations to overcome difficulties experienced by other models in the literature when monitoring communication among objects. The channel is an extension of the message reification model. A channel is a communication manager incarnating...
Uploaded on: December 5, 2022 -
1998 (v1)Publication
Signal processing with the Matching Pursuit algorithm requires a parallel, scalable and well balanced implementation in order to be effective. Starting from a careful analysis of execution times, a scalable parallelization, based on explicit message passing, is presented. It is based on a regular scattered decomposition of the...
Uploaded on: December 5, 2022 -
1991 (v1)Publication
A new method for building LR(k) states and parsing tables is presented. The method aims at giving a feasible construction of a collection of LR(k) parsing tables, especially when k > 1. for nontrivial grammars. To this purpose, the algorithm first attempts to build a set of normal states for the given grammar, each one associated to a single...
Uploaded on: March 31, 2023 -
1996 (v1)Publication
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Uploaded on: December 5, 2022 -
2001 (v1)Publication
The paper briefly describes Ward-In-Hand, a project aiming to support the day-by-day activities of doctors and nurses within an hospital ward by providing a tool for workgroup collaboration and wireless access to the patient's clinical records. The project, which is at present experiencing its first prototype, is based on accessing the...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2000 (v1)Publication
The paper briefly describes the objectives and technological issues of PAST, a project aimed at assisting visitors of archaeological sites in understanding cultural heritage. Pilot installations are being developed at three sites, Bibracte in France, Passo di Corvo in Italy and Toumba in Greece.
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2001 (v1)Publication
In this paper, an integrated approach to the problem of entering and manipulating scientific data on mobile devices connected in a wireless network is presented, and its ability to support mobile users operating on the field in indoor and outdoor environments is briefly discussed. This approach is based on experiences collected by the authors...
Uploaded on: March 31, 2023 -
2000 (v1)Publication
We present file guidelines of a new project whose main task is to exploit mobile computers, comlected via a Wireless Networks, in Personal Health systems, computerizing patient clinical records with sophisticated
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
1995 (v1)Publication
No description
Uploaded on: December 5, 2022 -
1995 (v1)Publication
In this paper we are interested in the use of software techniques for fault tolerance in the framework of distributed object oriented programming. We survey different degrees of integration between paradigms for object oriented software development and those for fault tolerance. We then provide the outline of a unifying approach to fault...
Uploaded on: December 5, 2022 -
1997 (v1)Publication
We present a joint undergoing project between archaeologists and computer scientists at the University of Genova. The goal of the cooperation is the development of a hardware/software integrated system to be applied to stratigraphic excavation; such a system is based on two new technologies: wireless mobile computing and pen-based man-machine...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2001 (v1)Publication
The paper describes the structure and first user experiences of Ward-In-Hand, a system intended to exploit wireless networking on handheld devices at patients bedside in an hospital ward.
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023