How much historical material traces of architectural artefacts and / or infrastructures help in the perception of the identity of a place? How material data must be supported by an adequate storytelling in order to be understood and respected? How much a single artifact conservation event can help in a wider scope process, creating a positive...
2018 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: April 14, 2023
2017 (v1)Publication
Lo studio archeologico d'elevato con i suoi strumenti di indagine diretta da tempo è una realtà per chi opera sulle architetture storiche con l'intenzione di conoscerle, comprenderle e conservarle. In particolare l'analisi mensiocronologica dei mattoni, unita allo studio stratigrafico e all'analisi mineralogica delle malte ha costituito per il...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2020 (v1)Publication
Dans cet article, nous traitons de démolition, nous réfléchissons aux raisons pour lesquelles nous démolissons, nous pensons aux conséquences des démolitions, nous nous demandons si les démolitions peuvent être évitées; dans la conclusion, il est argumenté sur la possibilité que petites et grandes démolitions puissent être évitées grâce à une...
Uploaded on: May 13, 2023 -
2022 (v1)Publication
The aim of this research is to find new tools to know, understand and consequently preserve the most recent ar-chitectural heritage (XX-XXI century). This heritage, particularly interesting is in need of attention due to the state of degradation in which it finds that undermines its conservation. This need is evident not only in the Italian...
Uploaded on: February 22, 2023 -
2019 (v1)Publication
The preservation of historic structures has often been associated with their use. Since the nineteenth century, some of the restoration theorists placed the "value of use" among the key ones to pay attention to. Indeed the "use" favors constant monitoring, possible maintenance and consequently conservation. Use and reuse therefore seemed...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2021 (v1)Publication
L'autrice, sulla base di sollecitazioni poste a suo tempo da Tiziano Mannoni, ragiona sulla necessità-utilità di applicare lo strumento dell'archeologia dell'architettura, da tempo indispensabile nello studio delle strutture architettoniche del passato, anche alle costruzioni del XX secolo. Si chiede in particolare se sia necessario avere...
Uploaded on: March 25, 2023 -
2021 (v1)Publication
E' possibile rivitalizzare un quartiere storico pressoché abbandonato e arrivare ugualmente a perseguire attività di restauro e conservazione del suo patrimonio architettonico? E' possibile invertire un trend di abbondono e trasformarlo in una attività di crescita e valorizzazione? E' possibile perseguire una conservazione del patrimonio...
Uploaded on: March 25, 2023 -
2021 (v1)Publication
In this article we deal with the issue of demolition. We cogitate about the reasons for accession to demolitions, consider the demolition consequences, inquire whether demolitions could be avoided. In conclusion we offer evidence that there often is a possibility to avoid both small and large-scale demolitions by means of a serious conservation...
Uploaded on: March 25, 2023 -
2019 (v1)Publication
Obiettivo del presente articolo è quello di indagare sulla reale importanza di alcuni concetti legati al tempo, alla durata (nel tempo) e alla determinazione cronologica nel progetto di restauro, o meglio, nel progetto di conservazione raffrontandoli con la visione ruskiniana. L'articolo propone una riflessione su "cronologia", "temporalità",...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2018 (v1)Publication
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Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2019 (v1)Publication
Les RIPAM (Rencontres Internationales du Patrimoine Architectural Méditerranéen) sont à la fois des rencontres et un réseau de personnes et d'institutions qui travaillent pour la connaissance et à la conservation du patrimoine architectural et urbain méditerranéen: Meknès (maroc) en 2005, marrakech (Maroc) en 2007, Lisbonne (portugal) en 2009,...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2021 (v1)Publication
Genova, città dai due manicomi: Il primo manicomio di Genova fu inaugurato nel 1841 in via Galata, con una capienza di 400 infermi ma, divenuto insufficiente, venne sostituito nel 1895 dal Manicomio di Quarto (capienza 700 ospiti) a cui si aggiunse, poco dopo, (1908) il Manicomio di Pratozanino (Cogoleto) . Quest'ultimo con ampliamenti...
Uploaded on: March 25, 2023 -
2017 (v1)Publication
"Reuse and associated risk". As discussed during the EAAE workshop, the reuse of religious structures is becoming an urgent problem, especially in situations where a large number of buildings were devoted to religious use in the past and now have to cope with a drastic reduction in religious practice. In the case of S. Maria Addolorata Church,...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2017 (v1)Publication
Most of our historic centers have an indisputable charm and are very rich of history, culture, lost know-how of the ancient builders: we can read all this on these stratified walls, arches and towers. This applies also to many minor and small buildings that spread over our territory, from very different historical periods. Most of these are not...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2024 (v1)Publication
Design, beauty, the ethical question, aesthetics: all these terms are present in the story of Le Corbusier's drawings on the walls of Eileen Gray's villa E1027. Seven drawings were painted by Le Corbusier on the interior and exterior walls without her knowledge. They are drawings of considerable size and in very vivid colours and the author is...
Uploaded on: September 6, 2024 -
2022 (v1)Publication
L'edificio in legno Stazione Superiore della Ferrovia a Cremagliera Principe Granarolo in Salita Granarolo 31 R, è un immobile soggetto a vincolo monumentale MBAC S2 e attualmente oggetto di interventi di manutenzione e adeguamento da parte della Committente AMT Spa con finanziamento della Regione Liguria. A tale scopo è stato stipulato un...
Uploaded on: February 21, 2023 -
2022 (v1)Publication
The study on the wooden structure of the roof of the former Salt Warehouse in vico Malatti 13, in ancient Genoa port area, presented here, is part of a broader research plan including PRA (university research project) 2016 "The archeology of architecture in the restoration site" of DAD – Dipartimento Architettura e Design of Genoa (Italy) with...
Uploaded on: February 22, 2023 -
2021 (v1)Publication
Il legno nella sua accezione generale è forse uno tra i materiali più utilizzati da tempi remoti. Sempre di più, ancora oggi, si fa riferimento al materiale legno quale prodotto versatile, di buone prestazioni ed ecosostenibile per le costruzioni; nel restauro, da tempo si guarda alla necessità di conoscenza del materiale legno, delle...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2022 (v1)Publication
The study on the wooden structure of the roof of the former Salt Warehouse in vico Malatti 13, in ancient Genoa port area, presented here, is part of a broader research plan including PRA (university research project) 2016 "The archeology of architecture in the restoration site" of DAD – Dipartimento Architettura e Design of Genoa (Italy) with...
Uploaded on: February 22, 2023 -
2017 (v1)Publication
No description
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2022 (v1)Publication
Is it possible to preserve historic buildings, pass on their memory, make their history understood and at the same time give them new functions? How much can the new demands of life and work be reconciled with the maintenance of historical structures? How much in carrying out conservation projects can one count on political will, on popular...
Uploaded on: February 22, 2023 -
2022 (v1)Publication
A particular roof is that of S.M.Maggiore church in Cogoleto. The 19th-century church has an upper two-pitches roof and a lower roof underneath with a curvilinear profile. Both insist on the same perimeter, but they have no direct connection between them as far as it is visible. Therefore, the study focused on understanding this part of the...
Uploaded on: February 22, 2023