According to clinical protocols, skin diseases are quantified by dermatologists throughout a treatment period, and then a statistical test on these measures allows to evaluate a treatment efficacy. The first step of this process it to classify pathological interest areas. This task is challenging due to the high variability of the images in one...
2012 (v1)ReportUploaded on: December 2, 2022
June 17, 2015 (v1)Report
During the evaluation of skin disease treatments, dermatologists have to clinically measure the evolution of the pathology severity of each patient during treatment periods. Such a process is sensitive to intra- and inter- dermatologist diagnosis. To make this severity measurement more objective we quantify the pathology severity using a new...
Uploaded on: March 25, 2023 -
November 26, 2012 (v1)Report
During evaluation of skin disease treatments, dermatologists have to clinically measure the pathology severity of each patient during treatment periods. Such a process is sensitive to intra- and inter- dermatologist diagnosis. To make this severity measurement more robust we propose to use image processing to quantify the pathology severity. We...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022