The development of Information and Communication Technologies has favored access to technological resources in adolescents. These tools provide access to information that can promote learning. However, they can also have a negative effect against people, as they can be used with other functionality, in which cyberbullying situations are caused...
January 13, 2022 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: March 27, 2023
September 5, 2022 (v1)Publication
Las situaciones de bullying y el cyberbullying destrozan la vida de los adolescentes provocando consecuencias nefastas. Es necesario tomar medidas para frenar estos actos de violencia. La educación de los adolescentes, los padres y los profesores es imprescindible para evitar estas situaciones. El objetivo del estudio: predecir qué factores...
Uploaded on: March 25, 2023