Heavy-liquid metals, such as lead and lead–bismuth eutectic, are promising candidates as coolant for advanced GEN-IV fast reactors as well as for Accelerator-Driven Systems. The advancing knowledge of the thermal-hydraulic behavior of these fluids leads to explore new geometries and new concepts aimed at optimizing the key components of a...
2014 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: May 13, 2023
2017 (v1)Publication
Although Lead-cooled Fast Reactor (LFR) is not a new concept, it continues to be an example of innovation in the nuclear field. Recently, there has been strong interest in liquid lead (Pb) or liquid lead–bismuth eutectic (LBE) both critical and subcritical systems in a relevant number of Countries, including studies performed in the frame of...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023