We consider the free boundary identification problem in a steady viscoplastic flow. The fluid motion is governed by the incompressible Norton-Hoff model coupled with the heat equation. The viscosity of the fluid is modeled by the Arrhenius law .Our point of view is to treat the problem as a shape sensitivity of a cost functional formulated on...
2002 (v1)ReportUploaded on: December 3, 2022
2002 (v1)Report
We are interested in the study of a quasistatic visco-plastic flow with thermal effects. The fluid motion is governed by the incompressible Norton-Hof- f model coupled with the dynamic heat equation whose the dissipation mecanicha- l power is the source term. The viscosity of the fluid is modeled by the Arrhenuis law.One of the principal aims...
Uploaded on: December 3, 2022