Two new gamma spectrometer projects are under development, both with some challenging technical characteristics in common, one for the investigation of weakly bound nuclear beam reactions at near barrier energies, and the other for the measurement of double charge exchange reactions in the 15-70 MeV per nucleon range. The first one is being...
September 27, 2022 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: March 24, 2023
September 18, 2019 (v1)Publication
The 235U(n, f) cross section was measured at n_TOF relative to 6Li(n, t) and 10B(n,α) , with high resolution (L= 183. 49 (2) m) and in a wide energy range (25meV-170keV) with 1.5% systematic uncertainty, making use of a stack of six samples and six silicon detectors placed in the neutron beam. This allowed us to make a direct comparison of the...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022