Ce travail rentre dans le contexte d'un projet de recherche en collaboration avec le CHU de Nice dont l'objectif est le recalage rigide de deux nuages de points 3D représentant des organes du corps humain pour une application en chirurgie augmentée. Plus précisément, l'objectif est d'estimer la transformée T (s, Ω, t) (i.e. échelle, rotation,...
November 3, 2021 (v1)Conference paperUploaded on: December 4, 2022
October 21, 2019 (v1)Conference paper
The development through streaming of 360°videos is persistently hindered by how much bandwidth they require. Adapting spatially the quality of the sphere to the user's Field of View (FoV) lowers the data rate but requires to keep the playback buffer small, to predict the user's motion or to make replacements to keep the buffered qualities up to...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
June 21, 2019 (v1)Conference paper
Despite exciting prospects, the development of 360 • videos is persistently hindered by the difficulty to stream them. To reduce the data rate, existing streaming strategies adapt the video rate to the user's Field of View (FoV), but the difficulty of predicting the FoV and persistent lack of bandwidth are important obstacles to achieve best...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
February 2020 (v1)Journal article
Virtual reality videos are an important element in the range of immersive contents as they open new perspectives for story-telling, journalism or education. Accessing these immersive contents through Internet streaming is however much more difficult owing to the required data rates much higher than for regular videos. While current streaming...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
October 29, 2017 (v1)Conference paper
International audience
Uploaded on: February 28, 2023