A novel plane estimation algorithm from 3D range data is presented. The proposed solution is based on the minimization of a nonlinear prediction error cost function inspired by the mathematical definition of Gibbs' entropy. The method has been experimentally tested and compared with a standard implementation of the RANSAC algorithm. Results...
2010 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: April 14, 2023
2010 (v1)Publication
A path following controller for the dynamic model of an underactuated marine vessel is presented. The solution extends previous results relative to the purely kinematics case and is able to cope with constant and known ocean currents. Based on kinematics, a reference linear and angular velocity is computed such that if the vehicle had such...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2010 (v1)Publication
Progetto POR in collaborazione con la ditta DIAMEC TECHNOLOGY S.r.l. - Via G. Nickmann, 12/A 70123 Bari z.i., sede operativa di Bari, Via G. Nickmann, 12/A (CAP 70123), nell'ambito di un programma di ricerca denominato SASMA - Sistema Automatico Sottomarino per Monitoraggio Ambientale ad alta precisione; tale progetto si propone tre obiettivi...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2009 (v1)Publication
Standard kinematics prioritized task based motion control solutions do not take into account the physical limitations in terms of maximum actuator speed of robots. In this paper, a prioritized task based kinematics control solution is presented that, under given conditions on the kind of concurrent tasks to be pursued, guarantees task error...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2011 (v1)Publication
Marine robotics is a rapidly growing field within applied and fundamental research. The workshop aims at presenting recent results from academy and industry with a particular emphasis on research projects. The scope of the workshop is broad as it aims at bringing together scientist working on diverse issues ranging from bio-inspired robot...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023