We consider stationary axisymmetric solutions of general relativity that asymptote to five-dimensional Minkowski space. It is known that this system has a hidden SL(3, R) symmetry. We identify an SO(2, 1) subgroup of this symmetry group that preserves the asymptotic boundary conditions. We show that the action of this subgroup on a static...
2007 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: December 5, 2022
2005 (v1)Publication
We point out that insertions of matrix fields in (connected amputated) amplitudes of (generalized) Kontsevich models are given by covariant derivatives with respect to the Kontsevich moduli. This implies that correlators are sections of symmetric products of the (holomorphic) tangent bundle on the (complexified) moduli space of FZZT Liouville...
Uploaded on: March 31, 2023 -
2004 (v1)Publication
We illustrate a method for computing the number of physical states of open string theory at the stable tachyonic vacuum in level truncation approximation. The method is based on the analysis of the gauge-fixed open string field theory quadratic action that includes Fadeev–Popov ghost string fields. Computations up to level 9 in the scalar...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2010 (v1)Publication
The traditional black hole has a horizon, with a singularity inside the horizon. But actual microstates of black holes are 'fuzzballs', with no horizon and a complex internal structure. We take the simplest hole in string theory — the extremal 2-charge D1D5 hole — and study a simple effect that is a consequence of this internal structure of the...
Uploaded on: December 2, 2022 -
2006 (v1)Publication
2-charge D1–D5 microstates are described by geometries which end in 'caps' near r = 0; these caps reflect infalling quanta back in finite time. We estimate the travel time for 3-charge geometries in 4D, and find agreement with the dual CFT. This agreement supports a picture of 'caps' for 3-charge geometries. We argue that higher derivative...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2001 (v1)Publication
Using a Hamiltonian approach, we construct the classical and quantum theory of open WZW strings on a strip. (These are the strings which end on WZW branes.) The development involves non-abelian generalized Dirichlet images in an essential way. At the classical level, we find a new non-commutative geometry in which the equal-time coordinate...
Uploaded on: December 5, 2022 -
2005 (v1)Publication
Supersymmetric solutions of 6D supergravity (with two translation symmetries) can be written as a hyper- Kähler base times a 2D fiber. The subset of these solutions which correspond to true bound states of D1–D5– P charges give microstates of the 3-charge extremal black hole. To understand the characteristics shared by the bound states we...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2008 (v1)Publication
We construct an infinite family of asymptotically flat 3-charge solutions carrying D1, D5 and momentum charges. Generically the solutions also carry two angular momenta. The geometries describe the spectral flow of all the ground states of the D1–D5 CFT. The family is parametrized by four functions describing the embedding of a closed curve in...
Uploaded on: December 2, 2022 -
2011 (v1)Publication
We derive the explicit action of the U-duality group of the STU model on both BPS and non-BPS extremal multi-center solutions. As the class of known non-BPS extremal solutions is not closed under U-duality, we generate in this way new solutions. These should represent the most general class of extremal non-BPS multi-center under- rotating...
Uploaded on: December 2, 2022 -
2007 (v1)Publication
We construct a discrete family of smooth non-supersymmetric three charge geometries carrying D1 brane, D5 brane and Kaluza-Klein monopole charges in Type IIB supergravity compactified on a six-torus, which can be interpreted as the geometric de- scription of some special states of the brane system. These solutions are asymptotically flat in...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2002 (v1)Publication
No description
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023