The current dataset provides all the stimuli (folder ../01-Stimuli/), raw data (folder ../02-Raw-data/) and post-processed data (../03-Post-proc-data/) used in a prosody reverse correlation study with the title "prosodic cues to word boundaries in a segmentation task using reverse correlation" by the same authors. The listening experiment was...
April 25, 2023 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: April 29, 2023
September 26, 2023 (v1)Journal article
When listening to speech sounds, listeners are able to exploit acoustic features that mark the boundaries between successive words, the so-called segmentation cues. These cues are typically investigated by directly manipulating features that are hypothetically related to segmentation. The current study uses a different approach based on reverse...
Uploaded on: October 11, 2023