With the detection of a binary neutron star system and its corresponding electromagnetic counterparts, a new window of transient astronomy has opened. Due to the size of the sky localization regions, which can span hundreds to thousands of square degrees, there are significant benefits to optimizing tilings for these large sky areas. The rich...
July 21, 2018 (v1)Journal articleUploaded on: December 4, 2022
October 29, 2024 (v1)Publication
Efficient multi-messenger observations of gravitational-wave candidates from compact binary coalescence candidate events rely on data products reported in low-latency by the International Gravitational-wave Network (IGWN). While data products such as $\texttt{HasNS}$, the probability of at least one neutron star, and $\texttt{HasRemnant}$, the...
Uploaded on: October 30, 2024