In the engineering of heterogeneous systems, there have always been challenges related to ensuring a common understanding of the interfaces between the constituent systems.
2018 (v1)Conference paperUploaded on: December 4, 2022
June 26, 2018 (v1)Conference paper
Engineering modern, hybrid systems is becoming increasingly difficult due to the heterogeneity between different subsystems. Modelling and simulation techniques have traditionally been used to tackle complexity, but with increasing heterogeneity of the subsystems, it becomes impossible to find appropriate modelling languages and tools to...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
May 23, 2023 (v1)Conference paper
Digital Twins (DTs) are built using modelling and simulation techniques in complex domains such as cyberphysical systems. However, further formal investigation is required for how a DT and the services it provides relate to the qualities of the models used by a service. Specifically, this article examines when a DT service can be said to have...
Uploaded on: November 25, 2023 -
February 16, 2024 (v1)Publication
Uncertainty is an inherent property of any complex system, especially those that integrate physical parts or operate in real environments. In this paper, we focus on the Digital Twins of adaptive systems, which are particularly complex to design, verify, and optimize. One of the problems of having two systems (the physical one and its digital...
Uploaded on: February 23, 2024