The morphosedimentological analysis and geoarchaeological data recorded in recent coastal dunes of Puerto de Santa María littoral (Cadiz) shows a sequence with three Late Holocene aeolian sand cover. The oldest one belongs to protohistorical times (around 3000/2000 yr. BP), while the latter two occured in historical times (<2000 yr. BP). In...
April 25, 2018 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: March 27, 2023
November 4, 2015 (v1)Publication
Landsat TM images has been analysed to obtain extent and direction data about turbidity flumes in several hydrodinamic sinoptic situations in Cadiz bay waters. Results are beside data from water samples. Five turbidity levels has been differentiated: very high turbidity, high, middle, low and very low, and three geographic sectors: a) Inner...
Uploaded on: March 27, 2023