International audience
2023 (v1)Book sectionUploaded on: February 22, 2023
July 1, 2023 (v1)Book section
This article presents the FER-AGRI agent-based model that we developed to study the impact of climate change on cereal production and population demography in southern Gaul between the 7th century and the 1st century BC. This ABM simulates at an annual time step over these six centuries the population growth of populations in the context of...
Uploaded on: December 13, 2023 -
June 22, 2021 (v1)Conference paper
We will present here an example of agent-based model which permit to simulate a dynamic of settlement of during roman period in south of France, according to the variations of agricultural yields under climate control. The model simulates the impact of yield changes on subsistence and commercial agriculture. Different types of villas and farms...
Uploaded on: December 25, 2023 -
November 16, 2020 (v1)Conference paper
International audience
Uploaded on: December 3, 2022 -
2021 (v1)Book section
The theme of the 2019 AFEAF symposium was the catalyst for setting up a team to review the corpus of Iron Age fortified sites in southeastFrance, as the last inventory had fallen into disuse. After long working sessions to develop a common descriptive grid to deal with the heterogeneity of field data between the Rhône, the southern Alps, and...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
November 1, 2019 (v1)Publication
Bibliographie de la base de données « Fortifications Protohistoriques du Sud-Est de la France », en lien avec l'article de la communication intitulée « Les fortifications protohistoriques entre Rhône, Alpes et Méditerranée « , présentée par D. Isoardi, L. Bernard, FR. Bertoncello, J. Chausserie-Laprée, L. Lautier, P. Marrou, L. Martinaux, Fl....
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
November 1, 2019 (v1)Publication
Liste des références bibliographiques de la Commission d'étude des Enceintes Préhistoriques et Fortifications Anhistoriques de 1906 à 1922, concernant les sites fortifiés de l'âge du Fer de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur. Complément de bibliographie en lien avec l'article de la communication intitulée « Les fortifications...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
May 30, 2019 (v1)Conference paper
Southern French research has produced a specific definition of the oppidum: fortified villages built with stone and earth, with its dense and standardized plan of insula and lanes, and the introduction of the rectangular module, often with adjoining walls. The long tradition of protohistoric and early history has been exploring these objects...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
November 16, 2020 (v1)Publication
Ce poster fait le point sur les travaux menés au sein du projet pluridisciplinaire RDMed au CEREGE (Aix-en-Provence) pour évaluer grâce à diverses méthodes de modélisation (LPJmL & SMA) quel a pu être l'impact du réchauffement climatique de la période romaine sur les sociétés dans le sud de la Gaule.
Uploaded on: December 29, 2023