Se informa de la presencia de la especie exótica invasora Alternanthera philoxeroides en el río Guadalquivir, en Sevilla (España, S. de la Península Ibérica). El hallazgo corresponde a la primera cita para Andalucía y se añade a las otras dos que ya existían para la Península Ibérica. Palabras clave: especies exóticas, corología, flora...
October 26, 2022 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: December 4, 2022
April 28, 2021 (v1)Publication
The main objective of this paper was to look into the morphological differentiation patterns and phenotypic plasticity in four populations of Argania spinosa with environmentally contrasted conditions. Mean response, magnitude and pattern of morphological intra- and inter-population plasticity indexes were measured and analyzed in order to...
Uploaded on: March 25, 2023 -
May 3, 2021 (v1)Publication
The present study assesses whether the germination and establishment success of Argania spinosa seeds are affected by the environmental conditions under which the mother plant has grown. Seeds from three populations with different climatic conditions and herbivory intensity were collected and sown in the laboratory after different treatments....
Uploaded on: March 25, 2023 -
February 15, 2018 (v1)Publication
La Consejería de Agricultura, Pesca y Desarrollo Rural de la Junta de Andalucía, a través del II Plan Andaluz de Agricultura y Ecológica 2007-2013, dio apoyo financiero a almazaras andaluzas para la construcción y puesta en funcionamiento de plantas de compostaje, la mayor parte de las cuales ha utilizado el método de pilas dinámicas. A raíz de...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
May 5, 2020 (v1)Publication
In South-western Morocco, water scarcity and high temperature are the main factors determining species survival. Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels is a tree species, endemic to Morocco, which is suffering from ongoing habitat shrinkage. Argan trees play essential local ecological and economic roles: protecting soils from erosion, shading different...
Uploaded on: March 25, 2023