La primera presentación, la más exhaustiva y completa del arte prehistórico de La Pileta se debe a Henri Breuil (Breuil et al., 1915). Este autor propone dos grandes fases, una paleolítica, distribuidas en tres ciclos artísticos paleolíticos y una segunda postpaleolítica. A mediados del siglo XX diversos autores realizaron revisiones parciales...
April 25, 2020 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: December 4, 2022
February 18, 2019 (v1)Publication
The south of Iberia conserves an important group of Palaeolithic rock art sites. The graphisms have been mostly attributed to the Solutrean and Magdalenian periods, while the possibility that older remains exist has provoked extensive debate. This circumstance has been linked to both the cited periods, until recently, due to the transition from...
Uploaded on: March 24, 2023