L'étude du plateau calcaire de Méjannes-le-Clap, coupé par le canyon de la Cèze, apporte un éclairage nouveau sur l'évolution paléogéographique de la bordure sud-est du Massif Central français entre l'élaboration de la surface d'aplanissement miocène et le Pléistocène. L'assèchement de la Méditerranée au Messinien (5,9/5,3 Ma), responsable du...
March 20, 2008 (v1)Journal articleUploaded on: December 4, 2022
January 4, 2019 (v1)Publication
No description
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
2020 (v1)Journal article
The purpose of this article is to characterize, only on a geochemical plan (major and minor elements and traces), the alteration processes and their consequences on the karsts of the northern scrublands of the Gard department and those of the southern Ardèche, where the caves have conserved sediment depositions of late Cretaceous and Paleogene...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
2008 (v1)Journal article
Les anciennes terrasses de culture, aujourd'hui colonisées par la forêt, n'ont plus de rôle hydrologique notable. Les nombreux ouvrages qui barrent les talwegs (tancats), construits pour lutter contre l'érosion, sont susceptibles de réguler les débits d'étiage. Mais, sans coupe de la ripisylve, leur impact apparaît essentiellement négatif.
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
2020 (v1)Journal article
The content presented in this article is an integral part of the research work carried out with the aim of characterizing, evaluating and modeling theexchanges between the Cèze River and its karstic system that it crosses in the middle part of the valley [Chapuis, 2017]. This paper presents the Cèze watershed with a lithological description of...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
July 2, 2018 (v1)Conference paper
In the interest of creating a point of reference allowing to know the hydrological conditions of the karst system and for the purpose of using it as a parameter in a modeling procedure, a Hydric Indicator of the Karst (HIK) was established from the knowledge acquired on the functioning of the karstic hydrosystem of the Cèze. This indicator...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
2020 (v1)Journal article
Several artificial tracing campaigns were carried out in 2014 and 2015 to assess underground circulations on both sides of the Cèze river (France, Gard) and specially to identify the role of the Cèze-Ardèche interfluve in a complicated geological context. Previous tracing operations had collected important data on groundwater flows on the...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
2010 (v1)Publication
Ce rapport fait le point sur les suivis hydrologiques menés depuis 2003 dans la Vallée Obscure, et tout particulièrement ceux concernant les étiages. Depuis 2009, aux 5 stations stations hydrométriques initiales (pour des bassins de 0,27 à 3,93 km2 sur granite et gneiss), ont été ajoutées une station à une source et une autre sur le Gardon de...
Uploaded on: December 3, 2022 -
2020 (v1)Journal article
The purpose of this article is to present the results of hydrological monitoring of the Cèze river basin in its limestone zone with a protocol based on synchronizing flow measurements in the river with those of the springs. The aim is to understand the functioning of the river and karst springs and to determine their contribution to the flow of...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
September 11, 2017 (v1)Conference paper
Groundwater flow circulating in a karstic hydrosystem is very difficult to grasp in space and time. In cases where the karstic aquifer is located between two rivers, the watershed is not easy to identify using a single analysis of a geological map. In this study, the understanding regarding the karstic hydrosystem between the...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
June 16, 2014 (v1)Conference paper
International audience
Uploaded on: March 25, 2023 -
2008 (v1)Publication
Ce rapport fait les point des recherches hydrologiques menées sur un bassin versant cristallin cévenol. Les dispositif de mesure comporte 5 stations hydrométriques (pour des superficies contrôlées de 0,27 à 3.93 km2), 2 pluviographes, une station de suivi de l'humidité des sols par sondes TDR...
Uploaded on: December 3, 2022 -
June 16, 2014 (v1)Conference paper
International audience
Uploaded on: March 25, 2023 -
June 22, 2022 (v1)Conference paper
Groundwater in karst aquifers is a valuable resource in Mediterranean region which is particularly threatened by climate change. Climate change induces an increase in evapotranspiration and a decrease in rainfall available for groundwater resource. This impacts directly karst aquifer recharge and thus indirectly karst-river interactions. The...
Uploaded on: February 22, 2023 -
October 6, 2017 (v1)Publication
Since the emergence of the carbonated platform of the southeastern basin of France during the Albian-Cénomanian, a long process of complex polyphased karstification is being installed under joint influence of tectonics, eustatism and climate. The endorheic basin of Issirac includes terrains from Cretaceous until Eocene age. Connected to the...
Uploaded on: February 28, 2023 -
2020 (v1)Journal article
The karst-river exchanges of the Ceze river canyon area were partly constrained by geochemical approach. This study was carried out on river and springs waters for moderate (june 2015) and low (july 2015) river flow periods. The chemical (major element concentrations) and isotopic (𗉲SSO4) properties highlight the major control of water...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
2005 (v1)Publication
Ce rapport présente les résultats des suivis limnigraphiques et pluviographiques, campagnes de jaugeages en étiage, traçages dans les sédiments en arrière des tancats, étude des transports solides, relevés cartographiques... sur les bassins versants du Rouquet et de la Vallée Obscure. Les recherches ont été coordonnées avec les investigations...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
May 2022 (v1)Book
Le présent document propose différents outils et méthodes d'approche pour caractériser les échanges entre rivières et écoulements karstiques dans la traversée des plateaux calcaires. Ce document est destiné aux acteurs de l'eau qui souhaitent étudier ces échanges. Les méthodes présentées ont été testées, développées et appliquées au cours d'un...
Uploaded on: February 22, 2023 -
December 1, 2012 (v1)Report
Ce rapport fait la synthèse des données hydrologiques recueillies par l'antenne cévenole de l'UMR ESPACE 7300 dans le secteur de Peyrolles (Gardon de Saint Jean et Vallée obscure) au cours des deux cycles hydrologiques 2010-2011 et 2011-2012.
Uploaded on: February 28, 2023