The joining of polymeric materials is a technology used in many industrial applications, from transport to telecommunications and the medical sector. A new technology for the joining of polymers is the laser welding process. In particular, fibre laser welding is a flexible technology which allows high process speed and the realization of good...
2016 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: April 14, 2023
2014 (v1)Publication
L'impiego di materiali polimerici rinforzati con fibra di carbonio è in crescita in molti settori industriali, dalle strutture civili all'industria dei trasporti, in particolar modo per la produzione di componenti aeronautici. Questo si deve ai loro molteplici vantaggi, quali elevata resistenza meccanica ed alla corrosione, capacità di poter...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2014 (v1)Publication
Friction stir welding (FSW) is an innovative solid-state process, patented in 1991 by The Welding Institute, which avoids solidification problems associated with conventional fusion welding, providing joints having excellent mechanical and metallurgical properties. Due to its many advantages, FSW is successfully applied to weld various...
Uploaded on: March 27, 2023 -
2016 (v1)Publication
In this paper the behaviour of the plastic flow during Friction Stir Welding of AA7075 T651 plates, realized with different shaped tools, has been investigated. In particular, the influence of the shape of three tools was studied using copper strips placed along the welds. After welding, radiography and metallurgical analysis were used in order...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2014 (v1)Publication
For an effective application of polymers, it is essential to have good adhesion behaviour to ensure good mechanical properties and durable components. Unfortunately, in general terms, polymers are characterized by high chemical inertness, which leads to very low surface energy values and, consequently, poor adhesive properties; this is...
Uploaded on: March 27, 2023 -
2013 (v1)Publication
Le leghe di nichel rappresentano un gruppo di materiali molto particolare, caratterizzato da elevate qualità meccaniche e di resistenza alla corrosione. La capacità di mantenere inalterate tali caratteristiche, anche a temperature estremamente elevate, rende questi materiali idonei all'utilizzo nelle applicazioni più estreme. La saldatura delle...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2017 (v1)Publication
This study reports a systematic investigation of the effects of various cold plasma treatment parameters on adhesion characteristics of two polyamide substrates. Polyamide 6 and polyamide 6.6 specimens were treated with a low pressure radio-frequency discharge plasma using different treatment time, power inputs and working gas (air, argon and...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2016 (v1)Publication
Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) sandwich panels are increasing their application as structural and non-structural components in all kinds of construction. By varying the material and thickness of core and face sheets, it is possible to obtain sandwich structures with different properties and performance. In particular, their advantages as...
Uploaded on: March 27, 2023 -
2012 (v1)Publication
Gli adesivi presentano numerosi vantaggi, che possono essere ottimamente sfruttati nella costruzione e riparazione di navi e imbarcazioni di qualunque tipo.
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2014 (v1)Publication
The purpose of the paper is to investigate the effects of low pressure plasma treatment on wettability of carbon fibre reinforced polymer samples and on shear properties of adhesive bonded joints based on these substrates. In particular, two plasma process parameters, exposure time and power input, were optimized, performing contact angle...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2014 (v1)Publication
Nickel alloys are very important in many aerospace applications, especially to manufacture gas turbines and aero engine components, where high strength and temperature resistance are necessary. These kinds of alloys have to be welded with high energy density processes, in order to preserve their high mechanical properties. In this work, CO2...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2011 (v1)Publication
Nowadays, companies need to innovate their production techniques, both improving products and holding costs down, in order to meet market demands. Aluminium alloyed partlyfinished-products play an important role in the optimization of production processes, although assembling of extruded and rolled parts could result into great difficulties due...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2015 (v1)Publication
Current market demands drive companies to innovate their production techniques to improve products and simultaneously hold down costs. In the search for solutions aimed at an optimization of production processes, semi-finished products in aluminium alloys very definitely play a significant role. Moreover, the assembly of extruded parts with...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2012 (v1)Publication
Gli acciai Toolox si caratterizzano per le loro qualità e sono ottimi candidati per l'impiego in applicazioni gravose, come la presenza di alta temperatura e operazioni che implicano la rapida usura dei componenti; pertanto, la possibilità di applicarli nella fabbricazione di strutture saldate costituirebbe un indubbio valore aggiunto.
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2014 (v1)Publication
In recent years, bonding techniques have been widely used to assist or even replace traditional joining techniques, such as welding and riveting. This study investigates how environmental conditions affect the mechanical behaviour of bonded joints. Analyses were carried out on single lap shear joints bonded by a two-component methacrylate-based...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2014 (v1)Publication
In this paper, gas metal arc weldability results of a particular advanced tool steel are presented. Indeed, the study was focused on the weld profile, microhardness and microstructure of the joints. The aim was to identify an appropriate filler material and optimize the process parameter. The validation of results started with a careful...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2011 (v1)Publication
No description
Uploaded on: March 31, 2023 -
2011 (v1)Publication
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Uploaded on: April 14, 2023