Ces quatre mots-clés forment donc le thème des travaux d'initiative personnelle encadrés (TIPE 2015-2016) que les futurs ingénieur-e-s vont réaliser cette année 2015-2016 en classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles.Au niveau des sciences informatiques et mathématiques, ces sciences qui ont fait le numérique, ces mots ont des sens précis, et...
April 1, 2015 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: March 25, 2023
June 4, 2019 (v1)Conference paper
In recent years, in France, computer learning (under the term of code) has entered the school curriculum, in primary and high school. This learning is also aimed at developing computer thinking to enable students, girls and boys, to start master all aspects of the digital world (science, technology, industry, culture). However, neither...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
June 25, 2019 (v1)Journal article
In recent years, in France, computer learning (under the term of code) has entered the school curriculum, in primary and high school. This learning is also aimed at developing computer thinking to enable students, girls and boys, to start master all aspects of the digital world (science, technology, industry, culture). However, neither...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022