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April 27, 2018 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: December 4, 2022
March 16, 2015 (v1)Publication
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Uploaded on: March 27, 2023 -
July 11, 2018 (v1)PublicationPoster Abstract: Practical issues in image acquisition and transmission over wireless sensor network
Multimedia data have become an important objective in wireless sensor networks. Due to the node resource constraints (energy consumption, memory capacity, network latency and throughput) the incorporation of image sensor at the nodes is currently a challenge. In this paper, we study different node architectures, evaluating processing time,...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
February 24, 2015 (v1)Publication
Este trabajo presenta una nueva tecnología de correspondencia de imágenes especialmente concebida para facilitar la reconstrucción de atauriques a partir las imágenes de sus fragmentos. El método localiza piezas similares en base a su contenido ornamental, ignorando la forma de su fractura. Para ello se propone una técnica de texturización que...
Uploaded on: March 27, 2023 -
December 2, 2022 (v1)Publication
Head-related transfer function (HRTF) individualization can improve the perception of binaural sound. The interaural time difference (ITD) of the HRTF is a relevant cue for sound localization, especially in azimuth. Therefore, individualization of the ITD is likely to result in better sound spatial localization. A study of ITD has been...
Uploaded on: February 4, 2024 -
March 4, 2021 (v1)Publication
This paper shows different issues found in the real implementation of either a WSN or its data exploitation system for an environmental monitoring application. A generic software architecture for interfacing both is proposed and tested on a real case.
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
October 20, 2021 (v1)Publication
Nowadays, the reliability and robustness levels required for production systems are growing. These demands make philosophies, such as predictive maintenance essential in modern industry, among which the energy sector stands out. In this sense, this paper proposes an on-line monitoring system based on data mining models, which provides a useful...
Uploaded on: December 2, 2022 -
July 9, 2018 (v1)Publication
Traditionally, animal surveillance is a common task for biologists. However, this task is often accompanied by the inspection of huge amounts of video. In this sense, this paper proposes an automatic video processing algorithm to identify the gender of a kestrel species. It is based on optical flow and texture analysis. This algorithm makes it...
Uploaded on: March 27, 2023 -
January 31, 2022 (v1)Publication
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Uploaded on: March 24, 2023 -
February 23, 2015 (v1)Publication
Traditionally,Wireless SensorNetworks (WSNs) are used for monitoring an extensive area. In these networks, a centralized server is usually used to collect and store the sensor information.However, new distributed protocols allow connections directly to theWSN nodes without the need of a centralized server.Moreover, these systems are able to...
Uploaded on: March 27, 2023 -
July 11, 2018 (v1)Publication
Knowledge of the battery lifetime of the wireless sensor network is important for many situations, such as in evaluation of the location of nodes or the estimation of the connectivity, along time, between devices. However, experimental evaluation is a very time-consuming task. It depends on many factors, such as the use of the radio transceiver...
Uploaded on: March 27, 2023 -
May 4, 2022 (v1)Publication
Este trabajo pretende localizar visualmente la posición de paneles de una instalación termosolar para, en un procesado posterior, detectar y clasificar fallos en los mismos. Estas imágenes se consiguen gracias al vuelo de un dron sobre la planta fotovoltaica, este dron está dotado con una cámara termográfica que tomará las imágenes. Para...
Uploaded on: March 24, 2023 -
October 11, 2019 (v1)Publication
The acquisition of data in protected natural environments is subordinated to actions that do not stress the life-forms present in that environment. This is why researchers face two conflicting interests: autonomous and robust systems that minimize the physical interaction with sensors once installed, and complex enough ones to capture and...
Uploaded on: February 11, 2024 -
February 23, 2015 (v1)Publication
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are a technology that is becoming very popular for many applications, and environmental monitoring is one of its most important application areas. This technology solves the lack of flexibility of wired sensor installations and, at the same time, reduces the deployment costs. To demonstrate the advantages of WSN...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
May 4, 2022 (v1)Publication
Los incendios plantean un grave problema no solo para los montes y bosques sino también para fauna que vive en ella. En este sentido, una política de detección temprana resulta esencial para controlar y sofocar rápidamente el incendio. Como solución para la detección temprana se plantea el uso de técnicas y algoritmos de tratamiento de imágenes...
Uploaded on: March 24, 2023 -
January 25, 2018 (v1)Publication
Muchos sistemas electrónicos incorporan dispositivos criptográficos que implementan algoritmos que cifran la información almacenada. Pero aun cuando los algoritmos sean muy seguros, estos dispositivos pueden llegar a revelar cierta información debido a su implementación física, mediante el empleo de los llamados ataques laterales. Estos ataques...
Uploaded on: March 24, 2023