Fluid migration in sedimentary basins has profound effects on a range of geological processes, including the methane cycle, tectonic and sedimentary geohazards, and microbial communities in the oceans. The Alboran Sea is a tectonically active basin characterized by contourite drifts that host migrating fluids, expressed in places by pockmarks...
April 23, 2023 (v1)Conference paperUploaded on: October 11, 2023
September 17, 2023 (v1)Publication
Le mouvement des fluides dans les bassins sédimentaires est associé à une série de processus géologiques, notamment le cycle du méthane, les géorisques tectoniques et sédimentaires et les communautés microbiennes du sous-sol. La mer d'Alboran, dans la partie occidentale de la Méditerranée, est connue pour être un bassin tectoniquement actif,...
Uploaded on: November 25, 2023 -
October 30, 2023 (v1)Conference paper
In the southern margin of the Alboran Sea, the sedimentary succession over the past 1 Myr contains several submarine landslides. We observe that their geographical distribution does not appear to be related to the active Al Idrissi fault system (AIFS) responsible of the recent earthquakes (i.e. they are located more than 10 km away). The head...
Uploaded on: November 25, 2023