Both preclinical and clinical studies have shown that immune activation and inflammation during the early stages of neurodevelopment increase the risk of neurodevelopment disorders and behaviour abnormalities in adults. While the underlying mechanisms have only been partially elucidated, experiments in the maternal immune activation mouse model...
December 19, 2019 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: December 4, 2022
August 6, 2020 (v1)Journal article
Maternal immune activation (MIA) during pregnancy induces a cytokine storm that alters neurodevelopment and behavior in the progeny. In humans, MIA increases the odds of developing neuropsychiatric disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In mice, MIA can be induced by injecting the viral mimic polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
2022 (v1)Journal article
Inflammation appears as a cardinal mediator of the deleterious effect of early life stress exposure on neurodevelopment. More generally, immune activation during the perinatal period, and most importantly elevations of pro-inflammatory cytokines levels could contribute to psychopathology and neurological deficits later in life. Cytokines are...
Uploaded on: December 3, 2022