Clusters of galaxies have the potential of providing powerful constraints on possible deviations from General Relativity. We use the catalog of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) sources detected by Planck and consider a correction to the halo mass function for a f(R) class of modified gravity models, which has been recently found to reproduce well...
2017 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: March 27, 2023
2017 (v1)Publication
We investigate the impact of general conditions of theoretical stability and cosmological viability on dynamical dark energy models. As a powerful example, we study whether minimally coupled, single field quintessence models that are safe from ghost instabilities, can source the Chevallier-Polarski-Linder (CPL) expansion history recently shown...
Uploaded on: May 13, 2023 -
2018 (v1)Publication
We revisit the cosmology of covariant Galileon gravity in view of the most recent cosmological data sets, including weak lensing. As a higher derivative theory, covariant Galileon models do not have a ΛCDM limit and predict a very different structure formation pattern compared with the standard ΛCDM scenario. Previous cosmological analyses...
Uploaded on: May 13, 2023 -
2018 (v1)Publication
Phenomenological functions Σ and μ, also known as Glight/G and Gmatter/G, are commonly used to parametrize modifications of the growth of large-scale structure in alternative theories of gravity. We study the values these functions can take in Horndeski theories, i.e., the class of scalar-tensor theories with second order equations of motion....
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2019 (v1)Publication
Ongoing and upcoming cosmological surveys will significantly improve our ability to probe the equation of state of dark energy, wDE, and the phenomenology of large scale structure. They will allow us to constrain deviations from the Λ cold dark matter predictions for the relations between the matter density contrast and the weak lensing and the...
Uploaded on: March 27, 2023 -
2022 (v1)Publication
There has been substantial interest in modifications of the standard Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM, where Λ is the cosmological constant) cosmological model prompted by tensions between certain datasets, most notably the Hubble tension. The late-time modifications of the ΛCDM model can be parameterized by three time-dependent functions describing...
Uploaded on: February 11, 2024 -
2018 (v1)Publication
We compare Einstein-Boltzmann solvers that include modifications to general relativity and find that, for a wide range of models and parameters, they agree to a high level of precision. We look at three general purpose codes that primarily model general scalar-tensor theories, three codes that model Jordan-Brans-Dicke (JBD) gravity, a code that...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023