If India is a predominantly rural country, its urban population is larger than the total population of the United States. Thus, at the end of the 20th century, the Indian urban phenomenon is already well developed, especially as it has a plurimillenary history. The presence of two disturbances have changed the urban logic in the 20th century...
November 25, 2016 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: February 28, 2023
2010 (v1)Publication
India of the 20th century knew an important growing of its urbanisation phenomenon according with the fact that the country was entering its urban transition. The problem is to know how the Indian urban system has evolved during the 20th century and this is the principal aim of my study. There are many studies on the urbanisation of India...
Uploaded on: December 2, 2022 -
April 9, 2013 (v1)Conference paper
While the Indian urbanization rate is above 30% in 2011, the country remains mainly rural. Nonetheless, this means an urban population more numerous than the urban population of the United States of America in 2012. Given the presence of 35 millionaires cities in 2001 and 46 in 2011, we need to assess the evolution of the Indian urban system....
Uploaded on: March 26, 2023 -
February 20, 2013 (v1)Conference paper
En 2011, trois des dix plus grandes villes au monde étaient indiennes (Delhi, Mumbai et Kolkata) (United Nations, 2012). En dix ans, ce pays a vu son nombre de villes millionnaires passer de 35 à 46. Ainsi, à l'heure actuelle, la population urbaine indienne dépasse les 377 millions d'urbains. L'histoire de l'Inde nous montre que la trame...
Uploaded on: March 25, 2023 -
August 26, 2013 (v1)Conference paper
There were 35 million plus cities in India, in 2001, and 46 in 2011. Since a few decades, we are attending a relative take-off of the Indian urbanization rate (16.5% in 1951 and 32.1% in 2011). Indeed, the Indian urban population, in 2011, is more numerous than the population of the USA in 2012. Assessing the causes and consequences of that...
Uploaded on: March 26, 2023 -
February 20, 2013 (v1)Conference paper
En 2011, trois des dix plus grandes villes au monde étaient indiennes (Delhi, Mumbai et Kolkata) (United Nations, 2012). En dix ans, ce pays a vu son nombre de villes millionnaires passer de 35 à 46. Ainsi, à l'heure actuelle, la population urbaine indienne dépasse les 377 millions d'urbains.L'histoire de l'Inde nous montre que la trame urbaine...
Uploaded on: March 26, 2023 -
June 3, 2010 (v1)Conference paper
An urban system is defined as a group of towns within a same space (State or area for example) evolving in interaction, being always set in relations with each other through multiple communication networks and exchanges, thus forming highly interdependent systems. The Indian urban system is characterized by two major breaks in its evolution: on...
Uploaded on: December 2, 2022 -
September 5, 2013 (v1)Conference paper
With a larger urban population than the United States of America in 2012, India presents an urban organisation that is becoming more complex. A previous study showed us the nationally stabilized and the regionally unbalanced situation of the Indian urban system. These Indian urban subsystems show signs of urban primacy or urban macrocephaly...
Uploaded on: March 26, 2023 -
May 2015 (v1)Journal article
Si la population indienne est encore majoritairement rurale, les villes y occupent une place ancienne et importante. Après être revenu sur l'évolution historique de la trame urbaine, cet article se propose d'envisager la dynamique du système urbain au cours du 20ème siècle pour souligner la complexité de son organisation et mettre en évidence...
Uploaded on: March 26, 2023 -
February 23, 2011 (v1)Conference paper
L'urbanisation indienne remonte certainement à 2500 ans avant J.C. lorsque sont apparus parallèlement, mais indépendamment, des villes dans l'actuelle vallée du Gange et à l'extrémité Sud du pays (Ramachandran, 1989). La croissance urbaine a ensuite été très lente, suivant de manière grossière les lieux d'accumulation de population (zone de...
Uploaded on: March 26, 2023