En la actualidad, los proveedores de software tienen el reto de construir soluciones informáticas fiables y eficientes que superen cuestiones técnicas y funcionales esenciales como la redundancia, la recuperación y la escalabilidad para proporcionar servicios en la nube o servicios multi tenencia. La arquitectura de microservicios (MSA, por sus...
February 23, 2023 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: March 1, 2023
April 25, 2022 (v1)Publication
The Software development trend uses service-oriented soft ware architecture (SOA), which provides efficiency, agility, and ease of growth. The architectural design most commonly used in SOA applica tion development is REST (Representational State Transfer); however, some data management problems have been identified in its...
Uploaded on: December 5, 2022 -
December 3, 2021 (v1)Publication
Context: The Software Engineering (SE) research continues to gain strength and interest for researchers considering the need to apply rigor and scientific validity to research results. Objective: Establishing an overview of the topic through a classification scheme of publications and structure the field of interest. Method: We conducted a...
Uploaded on: March 27, 2023