Se presenta una experiencia de mejora en la asignatura Bioquímica Humana en el Grado en Bioquímica, en concreto en dos temas teóricos de la asignatura. En este trabajo se propone un cambio en el modelo metodológico anteriormente basado en la clase teórica magistral. El modelo propuesto es un aprendizaje por preguntas y problemas que los alumnos...
May 15, 2019 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: December 4, 2022
February 27, 2015 (v1)Publication
No description
Uploaded on: December 5, 2022 -
April 17, 2023 (v1)Publication
Background: Graft-cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in the circulation of liver transplant recipients has been proposed as a noninvasive biomarker of organ rejection. The aim of this study was to detect donor-specific cfDNA (ds-cfDNA) in the recipient's serum after either liver damage or rejection using a qPCR-based method. (2) Methods: We proposed a qPCR...
Uploaded on: April 19, 2023 -
February 8, 2022 (v1)Publication
Background: Health assessment of the transplanted organ is very important due to the relationship of long-term survival of organ transplant recipients and health organ maintenance. Nowadays, the measurement of cell-free DNA from grafts in the circulation of transplant recipients has been considered a potential biomarker of organ rejection or...
Uploaded on: March 27, 2023