We investigate the problem of minimizing the excess generalization error with respect to the best expert prediction in a finite family in the stochastic setting, under limited access to information. We assume that the learner only has access to a limited number of expert advices per training round, as well as for prediction. Assuming that the...
December 6, 2021 (v1)Conference paperUploaded on: December 3, 2022
October 4, 2022 (v1)Publication
We investigate the problem of cumulative regret minimization for individual sequence prediction with respect to the best expert in a finite family of size K under limited access to information. We assume that in each round, the learner can predict using a convex combination of at most p experts for prediction, then they can observe a posteriori...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
June 1, 2023 (v1)Publication
We consider the problem of best arm identification in the multi-armed bandit model, under fixed confidence. Given a confidence input δ, the goal is to identify the arm with the highest mean reward with a probability of at least 1 − δ, while minimizing the number of arm pulls. While the literature provides solutions to this problem under the...
Uploaded on: June 7, 2023 -
February 14, 2021 (v1)Publication
Greedy algorithms for feature selection are widely used for recovering sparse high-dimensional vectors in linear models. In classical procedures, the main emphasis was put on the sample complexity, with little or no consideration of the computation resources required. We present a novel online algorithm: Online Orthogonal Matching Pursuit...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
2023 (v1)Conference paper
We consider the problem of best arm identification in the multi-armed bandit model, under fixed confidence. Given a confidence input δ, the goal is to identify the arm with the highest mean reward with a probability of at least 1 − δ, while minimizing the number of arm pulls. While the literature provides solutions to this problem under the...
Uploaded on: December 7, 2023