New fission-track ages on zircon and apatite (ZFT and AFT) from the southwestern alpine paleo-accretionary wedge document a contrasting cooling history from east to west. In the eclogitic Monviso ophiolites, the ZFT ages are 19.6 +/- 0.8 Ma and the AFT ages are 8.6 +/- 1.7 Ma. In the HT-blueschist eastern Queyras, ZFT ages range from 27.0 +/-...
April 1, 2007 (v1)Journal articleUploaded on: February 28, 2023
March 2009 (v1)Journal article
his paper addresses the contribution of extension in the upper crust during syncollisional exhumation of subducted material. We present structural data based on the analysis of ductile, brittle-ductile, and brittle deformation features in metapelitic schists and meta-basalts from the Schistes lustrés nappe stack in the Piedmont zone of the...
Uploaded on: December 3, 2022 -
2006 (v1)Journal articleA crustal-scale cross-section of the south-western Alps combining geophysical and geological imagery
A geotransect from the Pelvoux Massif (external French Alps) to the Dora-Maira massif (internal Italian Alps), through the Monviso ophiolitic complex was investigated in the framework of a geological and geophysical imagery program of the continental crust: "Géo-France 3D Alpes". In this paper we present and discuss a new interpretative...
Uploaded on: February 28, 2023 -
2004 (v1)Journal article
During the Neogene, the internal arc of the Western Alps underwent extension behind its inverted Paleogene frontal thrust while shortening affected the external arc. In the core of the internal arc, doming of eclogite-bearing gneissic nappes has formed the Dora–Maira massif. The blueschist-bearing Schistes lustrés of Queyras, which overlie the...
Uploaded on: March 25, 2023 -
2006 (v1)Journal article
During the Oligocene, in the central western Alps, tectonic accretion of the external domain to the internal orogenic wedge along the Briançonnais Frontal Thrust (BFT) was followed by backfolding, resulting in the Alpine fanning structure. The Briançonnais fan axis was rapidly exhumed by erosion. This growing wedge at the scale of the entire...
Uploaded on: February 28, 2023 -
January 2019 (v1)Journal article
The 1000 km-long suture zone of the Dahomeyide belt, exposed from Southeast Ghana to South Mali, corresponds to a narrow and lithologically diverse area with symptomatic coronitic HP granulitic massifs. Based on a review of published petrological, geochemical and geochronological data along the Dahomeyide belt we propose a global scenario for...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
November 12, 2013 (v1)Journal article
Pressure-Temperature-time (P-T-t) estimates of the syn-kinematic strain at the peak-pressure conditions reached during shallow underthrusting of the Briançonnais Zone in the Alpine subduction zone was made by thermodynamic modelling and 40Ar/39Ar dating in the Plan-de-Phasy unit (SE of the Pelvoux Massif, Western Alps). The dated phengite...
Uploaded on: December 2, 2022 -
2022 (v1)Journal article
Fluvial incision is one of the major erosive processes acting at Earth's surface and is highly sensitive to tectonic, isostatic and climatic variations. The aim of this study is to distinguish between the short-term climatic fluctuations versus the long-term tectonic forcing contribution to Late-Quaternary fluvial incision, to better understand...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
May 15, 2021 (v1)Journal article
Fluvial incision is the consequence of landscape readjustment to combined tectonic and climatic processes. In the southwestern Alps (Haute Provence Geopark), deep gorges incised by the Bes River attest of efficient erosional processes at the front of the Alpine mountain range. This catchment stands in a peripheral Alpine position, out of the...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022