Odyssey 2 will be proposed in December 2010 for the next call of M3 missions for Cosmic Vision 2015-2025. This mission, under a Phase 0 study performed by CNES, will aim at Neptune and Triton. Two sets of objectives will be pursued. The first one is to perform a set of gravitation experiments at the Solar System scale. Experimental tests of...
2010 (v1)Conference paperUploaded on: December 4, 2022
2022 (v1)Journal article
This paper focuses on the dedicated accelerometers developed for the MICROSCOPE mission taking into account the specific range of acceleration to be measured on board the satellite. Considering one micro-g and even less as the full range of the instrument with an objective of one femto-g resolution, that leads to a customized concept and a...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
October 18, 2019 (v1)Journal article
The Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP), stating that two bodies of different compositions and/or mass fall at the same rate in a gravitational field (universality of free fall), is at the very foundation of General Relativity. The MICROSCOPE mission aims to test its validity to a precision of $10^{-15}$, two orders of magnitude better than...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
2017 (v1)Journal article
According to the weak equivalence principle, all bodies should fall at the same rate in a gravitational field. The MICROSCOPE satellite, launched in April 2016, aims to test its validity at the 10−15 precision level, by measuring the force required to maintain two test masses (of titanium and platinum alloys) exactly in the same orbit.A...
Uploaded on: February 28, 2023 -
2022 (v1)Journal article
The space mission MICROSCOPE dedicated to the test of the equivalence principle (EP) operated from April 25, 2016 until the deactivation of the satellite on October 16, 2018. In this analysis we compare the free-fall accelerations (a$_{A}$ and a$_{B}$) of two test masses in terms of the Eötvös parameter . No EP violation has been detected for...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
2022 (v1)Journal article
The MICROSCOPE mission was designed to test the weak equivalence principle (WEP), stating the equality between the inertial and the gravitational masses, with a precision of 10-15 in terms of the Eötvös ratio η. Its experimental test consisted of comparing the accelerations undergone by two collocated test masses of different compositions as...
Uploaded on: December 3, 2022 -
September 27, 2012 (v1)Journal article
The present OSS mission continues a long and bright tradition by associating the communities of fundamental physics and planetary sciences in a single mission with ambitious goals in both domains. OSS is an M-class mission to explore the Neptune system almost half a century after flyby of the Voyager 2 spacecraft. Several discoveries were made...
Uploaded on: December 3, 2022