Food markets has been always globally connected (directly or not) since ancient times. Catalysers of discoveries and exploration, the supply of precious foodstuffs has represented throughout history a driver of change for society. Today, living in an age that pours its commercial energy in the commodification of food, exploring the complex and...
2020 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: April 14, 2023
2020 (v1)Publication
Hannover and Lower Saxony is home of large agro-industries and of a leading trade fair for agro-technology. At the same time, a new community-based sensitivity, from pop-up farmer markets to open streets initiatives, has developed a growing trend in adaptable platforms able to connect producers to consumers over food and aim at a more...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2018 (v1)Publication
Starting from observations of spatial dynamics, of cultural, social and economic energies around Lake Garda— that are bound to places of dense spatial characteristics—the book explains and displays a design and research approach: on one hand it is shown how creative interventions can bundle and accelerate current trends, dig territorial...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2017 (v1)Publication
Da tempo le concentrazioni urbane attraversano una fase di transizione: dalla crisi delle strutture produttive a quelle dei centri direzionali e del terziario avanzato, si assiste ad un palinsesto diversificato di programmi, politiche, domande sociali volte alla rigenerazione dei contesti storici, sempre più visti come generatori di flussi...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2011 (v1)Publication
Il paper pone una riflessione sulla frammentazione interna che caratterizza le città mediterranee, insieme ad una loro perifericità economica nella dimensione globale, ha portato sia ad un indebolimento dei sistemi urbani regionali sia all'impossibilità di costruire politiche condivise con le altre aree in modo da regolare i processi di...
Uploaded on: May 13, 2023 -
2015 (v1)Publication
The formula Urban and Peri-urban Farming (UPF) has been chosen for its ability to summarize a number of socio-technical features that detach these practices from the backdrop scenario of European agriculture, now broadly integrated in the global trends of large scale and/or mechanized agribusiness. Beside this, the growing awareness for...
Uploaded on: May 13, 2023 -
2011 (v1)Publication
The growing interest on the leftovers produced by urban sprawl is a normal phenomenon also in the European planning. The research (PIC)ITY _ Ponente Intelligent Coast builds an interpretative model of city, no longer defined by specific local conditions, but focusing on a part of the so called linear conurbation of the Latin Arc, in which the...
Uploaded on: May 13, 2023 -
2017 (v1)Publication
Today, systemic visions are landing in particular and specific (local and/or individual) declinations. In terms of landscapes, lands and territories. In terms of users, relations, representation and communication. The capacity to convert informational strategies in local operations, adapting themselves to multiple formats of recognition,...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2020 (v1)Publication
Climate change is seen as a deep challenge for established thinking and actions. The research and design project Climate Commons develops positions in urbanism and architecture, with the aim to put forward spatial-performative models in the larger societal and political debate. With a focus on places outside of metropolitan cores, Climate...
Uploaded on: May 4, 2023 -
2019 (v1)Publication
Understanding how the current daily consume habits has dramatically transformed the domestic economies, the food preservation, our living places and even our taste perceptions, is strongly linked to the diffuse urban metabolic imbalance imposed by great distribution chains, making citizens more and more subject to a "supermarket diet". However,...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2012 (v1)Publication
Quello della 'crescita locale' è uno dei grandi leitmotiv della società occidentale contemporanea. Eppure è strano notare come, dopo più di due secoli di centralità del processo industriale, i modelli di sviluppo urbano e di organizzazione sociale legati ad esso abbiano condotto l'agricoltura e i territori rurali ad un ruolo sempre più...
Uploaded on: May 13, 2023 -
2018 (v1)Publication
Considering the evolution of our society, when cities are analyzed over large temporal spans, metamorphism and dynamics emerge as important urban design pre-conditions even in built environment's life cycle. With regard to contemporary metropolitan regions, the relationship with proximity agriculture or more general with the peri-urban and...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2017 (v1)Publication
The urban design studio OPEN SKY addresses Trento and its valley in the interrelation of urban, landscape and infrastructure levels. The special focus on the airport area and the southern valley part in general opens a series of spatial perspectives— related to current paradigms of Creative City, Productive City, and an overall vision of...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2020 (v1)Publication
Today, systemic visions are landing in particular and specific (local and/or individual) declinations. In terms of landscapes, lands and territories. In terms of users, relations, representation and communication. The capacity to convert informational strategies in local operations, adapting themselves to multiple formats of recognition,...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2020 (v1)Publication
Preventive Urbanism. The Role of Health in Designing Active Cities, edito da Quodlibet (2020). Un saggio che rilegge l'evoluzione degli studi sulla morfologia urbana e le condizioni di vita nelle città, a partire dalla dicotomia tra corpi urbani e umani, tra ambiente costruito e spazio pubblico, quali fattori determinanti dell'avanzamento degli...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2014 (v1)Publication
The term resilience, associated with the urban planning disciplines and territorial governance, has gained increasing importance in the last decade, with reference to the issues of sustainable development, the prevention of environmental risks, as well as the adaptive capacity of the territories. Specifically related to urban-rural interplays...
Uploaded on: April 14, 2023 -
2022 (v1)Publication
Advanced research on Bio-materials with the motto "From waste to resource" and digital manufacturing represent a strong bet for European creative industries, start-ups and urban environments, where products replacement can significantly support a strategy for food-waste recycle. But how much and in which way this transition will affect...
Uploaded on: February 22, 2023