The modular specification of non-functional properties of systems is a current challenge of Software Engineering, for which no clear solution exists. However, in the case of Domain-Specific Languages some successful proposals are starting to emerge, combining model-driven techniques with aspect-weaving mechanisms. In this paper we show one of...
April 30, 2018 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: December 4, 2022
April 23, 2018 (v1)Publication
As the complexity of model transformation (MT) grows, the need to count on formal semantics ofMT languages also increases. Firstly, formal semantics provide precise specifications of the expected behavior of transformations, which are crucial for both MT users (to be able to understand them and to use them properly) and MT tool builders (to...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
April 16, 2018 (v1)Publication
As the complexity of model transformation (MT) grows, the need to rely on formal semantics of MT languages becomes a critical issue. Formal semantics provide precise speci cations of the expected behavior of transformations, allowing users to understand them and to use them properly, and MT tool builders to develop correct MT engines,...
Uploaded on: March 27, 2023 -
April 30, 2018 (v1)Publication
Model transformations dealing with very large models need to count on mechanisms and tools to be able to manage them. The usual approach to improve performance in these cases has focused on the use of concurrency and parallelization techniques, which aim at producing the correct output model(s). In this paper we present our initial approach to...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
April 23, 2018 (v1)Publication
Queuing Network Models (QNMs) provide powerful notations and tools for modeling and analyzing the performance of many different kinds of systems. Although several powerful tools currently exist for solving QNMs, some of these tools define their own model representations, have been developed in platform-specific ways, and are normally difficult...
Uploaded on: March 27, 2023 -
April 25, 2018 (v1)Publication
Reliability is an attribute that appears in all quality models, so it is important to take it into account when developing any kind of system. Its evaluation at latter stages of the software development may force the re-engineering of im-portant parts of the system, something very costly. This is why it should be raised to the system design...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
April 27, 2018 (v1)Publication
In previous work we have presented an approach to monitor nonfunctional properties of systems modeled in terms of domain specific visual languages using observers. In this work we present an approach to decouple the definition of observers behavior and systems behavior. Having a library with different kinds of observers behavior, and having the...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
April 30, 2018 (v1)Publication
Nowadays, model transformations languages and engines use a sequential execution model. This is, only one execution thread deals with the whole transformation. However, model transformations dealing with very large models, such as those used in biology or aerospace applications, require concurrent solutions in order to speed up their...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
April 23, 2018 (v1)Publication
Domain Specific Visual Languages (DSVLs) are essential elements in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) for representing models and metamodels. In-place model transformations provide an intuitive way to complement metamodels with behavioral specifications. Besides, they can be extended with quantitative models of time and with mechanisms that...
Uploaded on: December 5, 2022 -
April 27, 2018 (v1)Publication
Este trabajo propone el uso de un lenguaje de dominio espec í co de alto nivel y ejecutable para analizar el rendimiento de un sistema de colas implementado mediante diferentes estrategias. En concreto se utiliza un enfoque basado en el Desarrollo del Software Dirigido por Modelos (DSDM) para modelar el comportamiento del sistema de facturación...
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April 20, 2018 (v1)Publication
Domain specific languages play a cornerstone role in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) for representing models and metamodels. So far, most of the MDE community efforts have focused on the specification of the functional properties of systems. However, the correct and complete specification of some of their non-functional properties is critical in...
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April 23, 2018 (v1)Publication
As the size and complexity of models grow, there is a need to count on novel mechanisms and tools for transforming them. This is required, e.g., when model transformations need to provide target models without having access to the complete source models or in really short time—as it happens, e.g., with streaming models—or with very large models...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
April 19, 2018 (v1)Publication
Context: Domain-Specific Visual Languages (DSVLs) play a crucial role in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE). Most DSVLs already allow the specification of the structure and behavior of systems. However, there is also an increasing need to model, simulate and reason about their non-functional properties. In particular, QoS usage and management...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
April 23, 2018 (v1)Publication
As the complexity of model transformations grows, there is an increasing need to count on methods, mechanisms, and tools for checking their correctness, i.e., the alignment between specifications and implementations. In this paper we present a light-weight and static approach for locating the faulty rules in model transformations, based on...
Uploaded on: March 27, 2023 -
April 19, 2018 (v1)Publication
Nowadays there exists a wide variety of model transforma-tion languages. However, all of them present limitations, mainly performance issues, when the complexity and size of model transformations and models grow. The problems arise due to the in-memory allocation of large models as well as the time taken by the execution engines for producing...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
April 24, 2018 (v1)Publication
Model transformations play an important role in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), and as their size and complexity grow, there is an increasing need to count on tool support for testing their correctness. In this work, we present TractsTool, a tool for specifying and testing several different kinds of model transformations, e.g., model-to-model,...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
April 20, 2018 (v1)Publication
As software systems have grown large and complex in the last few years, the problems with which Model-Driven Development has to cope have increased at the same pace. In particular, the need to improve the performance and scalability of model transformations has become a critical issue. In previous work we introduced LinTra, a model...
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April 24, 2018 (v1)Publication
Cloud computing promises easy access, low entry cost and elasticity. However, elastic service provisioning is usually delivered via service replication, which must be supervised manually, hand-picking the services to replicate and ensuring their proper load balance. Automated service provisioning, i.e., the function of automatically scaling the...
Uploaded on: March 27, 2023 -
April 16, 2018 (v1)Publication
In certain systems, software must be adapted at runtime to the requirements and changes occurring in the context. A strategy to achieve this goal is to model such systems as software architectures making use of the Component-based Software Engineering (CBSE). Thus, the system can be adapted through the reconfiguration of the software...
Uploaded on: March 27, 2023 -
April 17, 2018 (v1)Publication
This paper illustrates the use of high-level domain specific models to specify and test some performance properties of complex systems, in particular Communication Networks, using a light-weight approach. By following a Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) approach, we show the benefits of constructing very abstract models of the systems under test,...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
April 27, 2018 (v1)Publication
Model-driven engineering (MDE) already plays a key role in Human-Computer Interaction for the automatic generation of end-user interfaces from their abstract and platform-independent specifications. Moreover, MDE techniques and tools are proving to be very useful for adapting at runtime the final user interfaces according to the current context...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
April 27, 2018 (v1)Publication
Software adaptation is becoming increasingly important as more and more applications need to dynamically adapt their structure and behavior to cope with changing contexts, available resources and user requirements. Maude is a high-performance reflective language and system, supporting both equational and rewriting logic specification and...
Uploaded on: March 27, 2023