The understanding of the cellular basis of osteoblastic cell-biomaterial interaction is crucial to the analysis of the mechanism of osseointegration. Cell adhesion is a complex process that is dependent on the cell types and on the surface microtopography and chemistry of the substrate. We have studied the role of microtopography in modulating...
May 16, 2017 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: March 27, 2023
May 16, 2017 (v1)Publication
Osseointegration of implants is crucial for the long-term success of oral implants. The periimplant bone formation by osteoblasts is strongly dependent on the local mechanical environment in the interface zone. Robust demands for energy are placed on osteoblasts during the adhesion process to solid surfaces, and mitochondria are capital...
Uploaded on: March 27, 2023 -
December 1, 2023 (v1)Publication
Membrana reabsorbible para regeneración ósea guiada. La invención se refiere a membranas para la regeneración ósea guiada, que comprenden un polímero biodegradable que ha sido tratado en una de sus caras con un plasma, y sobre el que se ha depositado una o más capas nanométricas de óxidos activos en una o en las dos caras. La invención...
Uploaded on: December 3, 2023