Transition Metal Dichalcogenide (TMD) materials have increasingly gained attention, due to their unique optical, spintronic, and electronic properties [1]. These properties at the monolayer limit are by part a result of the ultimate confinement imposed on their excitonic transitions that originate a direct band-gap and a lack of inversion...
2016 (v1)Conference paperUploaded on: February 27, 2023
October 2018 (v1)Journal article
We report on the surface enhanced resonant Raman scattering (SERRS) in hybridMoSe2@Au plasmonic-excitonic nanostructures, focusing on the situation where the localizedsurface plasmon resonance of Au nanodisks is finely tuned to the exciton absorption ofmonolayer MoSe2. Using a resonant excitation, we investigate the SERRS in MoSe2@Au andthe...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
June 26, 2017 (v1)Journal article
Combining localized surface plasmons and confined excitons in hybrid metallic/semiconductor nanostructures is a promising route toward the manipulation of the light-matter interaction at the nanoscale and the generation of novel technological applications. In this context, we investigate the interference between plasmonic and excitonic...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022