Towards the Automatic Localization of the Irritative Zone Through Magnetic Source Imaging
The present work aims at validating a Bayesian multi-dipole modeling algorithm (SESAME) in the clinical scenario consisting of localizing the generators of single interictal epileptiform discharges from resting state magnetoencephalographic recordings. We use the results of Equivalent Current Dipole fitting, performed by an expert user, as a benchmark, and compare the results of SESAME with those of two widely used source localization methods, RAP-MUSIC and wMNE. In addition, we investigate the relation between post-surgical outcome and concordance of the surgical plan with the cerebral lobes singled out by the methods. Unlike dipole fitting, the tested algorithms do not rely on any subjective channel selection and thus contribute towards making source localization more unbiased and automatic. We show that the two dipolar methods, SESAME and RAP-MUSIC, generally agree with dipole fitting in terms of identified cerebral lobes and that the results of the former are closer to the fitted equivalent current dipoles than those of the latter. In addition, for all the tested methods and particularly for SESAME, concordance with surgical plan is a good predictor of seizure freedom while discordance is not a good predictor of poor post-surgical outcome. The results suggest that the dipolar methods, especially SESAME, represent a reliable and more objective alternative to manual dipole fitting for clinical applications in the field of epilepsy surgery.
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