Published May 27, 2022 | Version v1

Scatter search-based identification of local patterns with positive and negative correlations in gene expression data


This paper presents a scatter search approach based on linear correlations among genes to find biclusters, which include both shifting and scaling patterns and negatively correlated patterns contrarily to most of correlation-based algorithms published in the literature. The methodology established here for compari son is based on a priori biological information stored in the well-known repository Gene Ontology (GO). In particular, the three existing categories in GO, Biological Process, Cellular Components and Molecular Func tion, have been used. The performance ofthe proposed algorithm has been compared to other benchmark biclustering algorithms, specifically a group of classical biclustering algorithms and two algorithms that use correlation-based merit functions. The proposed algorithm outperforms the benchmark algorithms and finds patterns based on negative correlations. Although these patterns contain important relation ship among genes, they are not found by most of biclustering algorithms. The experimental study also shows the importance of the size in a bicluster in addition to the value of its correlation. In particular, the size of a bicluster has an influence over its enrichment in a GO term


Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2011-28956-C02-00


Junta de Andalucía P12-TIC-1728


Universidad Pablo de Olavide APPB813097

Additional details

March 25, 2023
November 29, 2023