Published 2020 | Version v1

Let There Be a Beam: Highlights from the 2020 IEEE Five-Minute Video Clip Contest [SP Competitions]


As a new event launched by our SPS, the 5-MICC has proved to be a success both in terms of public engagement and the quality of submissions, as seen from the large number of public votes cast for the three finalist videos. The only regret is that the participants, and especially the finalist teams, the organizing committee, and the judging panel members could not meet in person at ICASSP 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, there were some delays at different stages of the contest, which could be avoided with a better plan and a clearer FIGURE 1. The video for indoor localization exploiting LTE signals. (a) A synthetic aperture-based array for beamforming and (b) the experimental validation process for SAN. (a) (b) To implement fast beam alignment in mm-wave radios, the team proposed the compressive-beamalignment method by utilizing the sparsity of the beamspace matrix. IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE September 2020 161 understanding of the time required for preparing for the submission/voting platform and for processing the submissions. Inspired by the achievements of the 2020 5-MICC, we very much look forward to even more successful contests next year (the SPS has decided that there will be two 5-MICC contests in 2021, one with ICASSP and one with ICIP).

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April 14, 2023
December 1, 2023