Pensamiento utópico y fundamentalismo religioso en el metabolismo socio-político de Israel
Several cultural and ideological components have contributed to the formation of the State of Israel. Among the ideological ones, it is worth pointing out the existence of a socializing way of thinking, that pretended to make compatible the sionist expectations with those of the creation of the «New Man», in this case a jewish one, that would contribute to the creation of a «jewish nation» based on a society that could alter the features that have been traditionally considered as typical of the hebrew community. In accordance with that, a wide socio-economic net was created that included the integral «commune», which covered even family aspects -the kibutz-, the rural farming village -the moshava-, as well as a series of cooperative and unionist structures, both rural and industrial. On the other hand, all the previous always had to coexist with religious fundamentalist movements and traditional cultural features. The changes derived fron demographic growth, from the new waves of inmigrants (specially those from Russia), the international constraints, and the consequences of terror, have forced that utopian way of thinking to give way to integrist conceptions that do not exclude new «final solutions», currently directed against the palestinian population. However, Israel still hosts an important social sector that supports progressivism, and even pacifism.
En la formación del Estado de Israel han intervenido variados componentes ideológicos y culturales. Entre los primeros cabe destacar un pensamiento de corte marcadamente socializante que pretendía compatibilizar la expectativa sionista con la búsqueda de un hombre nuevo. Así se originó un amplio entramado socio-económico que iba desde la comuna integral, el kibutz, a la simple colonia agrícola, la moshava, complementados por un conjunto de estructuras sindicales y cooperativistas. Como contrapunto siempre coexistió con movimientos fundamentalistas de carácter religioso y perfiles culturales tradicionales. La demografía, las nuevas inmigraciones, principalmente de Rusia, los condicionamientos internacionales y la dialéctica del terror, han causado que ese pensamiento utópico haya cedido el paso a concepciones integristas que no excluyen nuevas «soluciones finales», actualmente dirigidas a la población palestina, no obstante, aún subsiste en Israel un considerable sector social progresista y hasta pacifista.
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