Published November 14, 2023 | Version v1

The Histone Chaperones SET/TAF-1β and NPM1 Exhibit Conserved Functionality in Nucleosome Remodeling and Histone Eviction in a Cytochrome c-Dependent Manner


Chromatin homeostasis mediates essential processes in eukaryotes, where histone chaperones have emerged as major regulatory factors during DNA replication, repair, and transcription. The dynamic nature of these processes, however, has severely impeded their characterization at the molecular level. Here, fluorescence optical tweezers are applied to follow histone chaperone dynamics in real time. The molecular action of SET/template-activating factor-Iβ and nucleophosmin 1—representing the two most common histone chaperone folds—are examined using both nucleosomes and isolated histones. It is shown that these chaperones present binding specificity for fully dismantled nucleosomes and are able to recognize and disrupt non-native histone-DNA interactions. Furthermore, the histone eviction process and its modulation by cytochrome c are scrutinized. This approach shows that despite the different structures of these chaperones, they present conserved modes of action mediating nucleosome remodeling.


Ministerio de Educación y Cultura FPU016/01513


European Commission PAIDI-DOCTOR 2020 DOC_00796


European Molecular Biology Organization 8541


European ARBRE-Mobieu consortium CA15126


Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PGC 2018-096049-BI00, PID2021-126663NB-100


Junta de Andalucía BIO198, US-1254317, P18-FR-3487, P18HO-4091

Additional details

November 25, 2023
November 25, 2023