Published July 15, 2024 | Version v1

Descriptive retrospective study analyzing relevant factors related to dental implant failur


Background: The objective of this retrospective descriptive study was to analyze the characteristics of incident reports provided by dentists while using a specific brand of dental implants. Material and Methods: The study was carried out in collaboration with Oxtein Iberia S.L.®, with the company providing access to the incident database in order to evaluate the characteristics of incidents from January 2014 to December 2017 (a total of 917 over four years). The data sheet recorded different variables during each of the stag es of implant treatment, from initial implant placement to subsequent prosthetic rehabilitation. These variables included age, sex, systemic pathologies, smoking habits, bone quality, implant type, prosthesis type, and type of load applied, among others. SPSS Statistics was used to perform statistical analysis of the qualitative variables (univariate logistic regressions, χ2 test, Haberman's adjusted standardized residuals). Results: The total study sample consisted of 44,415 implants shipped from Oxtein® warehouses on the dates in dicated, of which 917 implants (2.1%) were flagged due to reports of lack of primary stability, failed osseointegra tion, or implant failure within one year of placement. When analyzing incident reports, it was observed that 61.6% of incidents occurred in male patients, compared to 38.4% in female patients. The average age of patients in the reported cases was 56.12 ± 12.15 years. A statistically significant correlation was discovered between incidents of implant failure and tobacco use, diabetes, heart disease, poor oral hygiene, previous infection, poor bone quality, and bruxism (p < 0.05). A (statistically significant) higher rate of incidents was also observed in tapered, internal connection, Grade IV titanium, narrow, and short implants. Conclusions: Analysis of these implants reveals a higher rate of complication in short, tapered, internal connection and narrow-diameter implants. These data can help and encourage clinicians to use the utmost surgical precau tions when placing these implants.

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July 16, 2024
July 16, 2024