Published February 7, 2022 | Version v1

Measurement of the 72 Ge ( n , γ ) cross section over a wide neutron energy range at the CERN n_TOF facility


The 72 Ge ( n , γ ) cross section was measured for neutron energies up to 300 keV at the neutron time-of-flight facility n _ TOF (CERN), Geneva, for the first time covering energies relevant to heavy-element synthesis in stars. The measurement was performed at the high-resolution beamline EAR-1, using an isotopically enriched 72 Ge O 2 sample. The prompt capture γ rays were detected with four liquid scintillation detectors, optimized for low neutron sensitivity. We determined resonance capture kernels up to a neutron energy of 43 keV , and averaged cross sections from 43 to 300 keV . Maxwellian-averaged cross section values were calculated from k T = 5 to 100 keV , with uncertainties between 3.2 % and 7.1 % . The new results significantly reduce uncertainties of abundances produced in the slow neutron capture process in massive stars.


Austrian Science Fund (FWF) J3503


Science and Technology Facilities Council UK. ST/M006085/1


European Research Council (ERC) 2015-STG No.677497


Croatian Science Foundation. 8570


Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic (MSMT) y the Charles University. UNCE/SCI/013

Additional details

March 25, 2023
November 30, 2023